1. Chapter 1 10:00
2. War Begins 10:12
3. Occupation 9:54
4. Assemblies 10:49
5. Hiding 18:05
6. Running 14:27
7. Warsaw 12:30
8. Werterfassung 8:01
9. Aktion 5:23
10. Uprising 9:04
11. Majdanek 15:54
12. Birkenau 17:53
13. Mala Zimelbaum 3:37
14. Yenta and Sarah 9:47
15. The Bleeding Sky 11:55
16. Blue Affect 8:20
17. Auschwitz 11:00
18. Death March 4:46
19. Neustadt 9:11
20. Liberation 6:22
21. Returning 11:34
22. Wesbaden 8:21

These podcasts are from the recordings my mother made telling of her recollections of the Shoah.

The original recordings were done over a number of months and were made to help me write my mother's book. While the book is in English the recordings are in Yiddish. After my mother's death on January 23, 1999 I undertook to preserve her story in her own words as well.

Not all the events of the war were covered in the recordings. A more complete story of the war is in the book.

My mother did not always tell her story in the order of the events. A number of times, in the recordings, she repeated a particular event. At times she was reminded of something by her friends or sister and added it the next time she continued her recordings. These recordings were edited to put the events in the proper sequence.

The quality of the recordings vary because they were done in different locations. Some were done in my mother's house in Brooklyn and some at my home and even in the back yard. All the recordings were done on a small cassette recorder.